I'm going to be studying at Lancaster University in the UK next semester and I couldn't be more excited. I've been talking to friends in England asking them what I NEED to see while I'm there and I've gotten some very specific instructions to visit a milkshake shop so I'm looking forward to that.
I have some very abstract goals in regards to what I want to achieve while I'm away. I want to connect with new people, I want to become less shy, I'm hoping to build up some self confidence while I'm away, but again, abstract goals.
More specifically I want to pay a visit to the Globe Theatre in London and explore Stratford-upon-Avon. Anyone who has ever spoken to me for more than five minutes probably knows about my love affair with Shakespeare's plays, but I want to use this trip as a test. I want to see how I do in England, if it's a place I could spend a few more years studying Shakespeare in. If I survive this trip in once piece I'll know I've made a serious positive step towards my future, so lets see how this goes!