Thursday 26 February 2015

How Others See Us: Kibbutz Ketura

Any travel brochure, book, or website one visits is full of the "stereotypes of Americans" Even one of the brochures given by Allegheny College to it's female students traveling abroad informed us of the "stereotypes of American women". Bearing this in mind, I was very curious to find out first hand what the opinions of Americans are, especially as I am living in the equivalent of an international community.
Above: Many members of my program

What was I Ieast surprised about? The views on American attitude and actions. Words my friends used to describe Americans included: "powerful", "loud", "outgoing", "tough", "ready-to-fight", and "obnoxious". I was then informed that I fit the stereotypes of loud and outgoing, which to me was even less surprising. 

What was the most surprising? The views on American students. "American students have much better ettiquete than Israeli students" one of my roommates told me. My jaw practically dropped from shock. She continued "You all show up on time to class". Another student chimmed in, "You raise your hands to speak". Then another "You are very polite!" It made me much more aware of the class dynamic and now I'm noticing this too. It was interesting to see that non-American students saw this while I didn't. Plus, it was a positive about Americans!! From everything I had been taught/read, nearly every culture views America negatively. It was comforting to hear a different opinion. 

Above: One of my classes

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