Saturday 28 February 2015

How Others See Us

     Even before I started studying the French language, I, as well as many other Americans, was very aware of French stereotypes, whether they were true or false. Throughout my French classes I have taken at Allegheny and in high school, I have learned about stereotypes of Americans; more specifically, how the French view Americans. Now that I have spent some time studying in France and have gotten to know a lot of natives, I can reflect on these stereotypes that I learned about in the United States to see if people really think in those ways.
     It is unfortunate to say it is true that most French people typically think Americans are lazy, loud, and overweight. The French think this of Americans partially because of the statistics of obesity as well as the way that we eat because of our culture. Americans typically eat "on the go" or very quickly because of the intensity level of work, which has decreased the frequency of Americans being able to cook healthy home-cooked meals and take their time eating. The fact that it is normal to walk or bike to most places in France but not in the United States may also be a reason why this stereotype exists. Most of the roads and sidewalks in France have designated lanes for bikers, and not a lot of people drive to work or the grocery store. In addition, public transportation in France is very frequented and well organized. The options include buses, trams, metros, and so on. I can see the difference in the United States, where most people, including teenagers, own or have access to a car.

This is a bike lane in the street

Tramways are a very useful way to travel around the city

     In a more positive manner, French people also believe Americans to be sophisticated and that Americans have a very appealing culture. This includes the way most Americans conduct themselves and their individualism, as well as the pop culture that most Americans share. Every day I have walked into a public place, whether it was a store or restaurant, I have heard American music being played. I have also learned that a lot of French music has lyrics in English because it is considered "more sophisticated" to be singing in another language. It is clear that a lot of French people appreciate American culture and implement it into theirs. This makes me very proud of my culture and intrigued to get to know more about the culture of France.

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