Saturday 28 February 2015

Reflecting on Experience: Due on Mar. 10, 2015

Reflecting on Experience: Due on Mar. 10, 2015
(Please read “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”)

In her essay, Peggy McIntosh uses race to make readers examine how much of their daily live may be embedded in privilege without their realizing it.

For this post, please reflect on what it means to be an American student on a study away program, or to simply be American (in the eyes of other countries) in the first place, and what privileges does this bring with it? 

If you are at a domestic destination like D.C. or the Duke Marine Lab, what types of privileges are you enjoying that may/may not center on nationality?

Think about whether your ability to travel to another destination for an experience you can add to your resume, brings with it certain advantages that are easily overlooked? 
What does it mean to be able to add intercultural experiences or research/internship opportunities and a study abroad/away component to our marketability, and are we learning at the cost of other cultures/people?

 In the last case, even if you are still in the U.S. think about whether the work you are involved with involves local communities or is knowledge from the top?

Read the assigned reading and even if you are not in a developing country, think about the argument the writer is making, and what you would bring to that conversation

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