Sunday, 7 June 2015

Coming Home

     "A college or university that is a global community opens students to new points of view, challenges their thinking about themselves and their world, and sets the stage for personal and professional growth" (1). Many American colleges and universities believe it to be a special priority, whether one is studying another language and is looking to be immersed in it, or if one is studying a field like environmental science and is looking to see different parts of the world. I believe that Allegheny College highly values the globalization of education through studying abroad, and strongly encourages its students to plan to have this experience. I was lucky enough to take on this opportunity and in turn I have learned an enormous amount from it and I have grown as a person in many ways. In reflection, studying abroad aids one in gaining many different skills. True independence is something I have achieved while being away because I was required to look at and learn about my affairs and myself. I also have made friends from all over the world, so I not only learned about French culture but about the cultures of over 30 other countries. If I ever had to work in an international workplace, I now feel more than ready to do so. I have also had the chance to travel to other countries like Ireland, Italy, and Malta, and with that I have met many people and seen many other cultures that I have learned from.

One of my classes in Angers

     While living in France, I have learned other things besides slang words and expressions in the French language. I truly believe that being immersed in another culture is the best way to learn about it, but I also think that it has other benefits. I am now more conscious about my own culture after being completely involved in another. I now realize how people of France generally view Americans, some are completely against the stereotypes that we all hear about and some agree with them. This has made me more aware of my actions and those of my country as well. Because of this, I have learned much more about myself than I could have by just staying within my own country. Before I arrived in Angers, I expected things that ended up being rather true. But I also expected to see a lot of things that simply were not true and turned out to be stereotypical. It is important to know that there might be a difference between expectations and reality, and my reality definitely exceeded my expectations.

      Studying abroad has helped me grow – I have gained true independence, a more positive outlook on life, and a thirsty desire to return to France. After I receive my double major diploma from Allegheny College next year, I plan to move to France and teach English to French students for a few years. This experience has helped me be able to realize that I want to spend my future abroad and I am looking forward to the years to come.

Lynch, Matthew. "Diverse Conversations: The Globalization of Higher Education." The Huffington Post, 29 May 2013. Web. 5 June 2015.

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