Tuesday 2 December 2014

Test Entry

I'm going to study at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. The most important thing that I look forward to this journey is that I can get to learn something. Learning can sometimes be easy and other times can be hard. However, in my country, Vietnam, there is an idiom, “Whenever you go somewhere, you learn something.”Indeed, I believe the fact that I will step out of my comfort zone and explore a "strange" place would be an easy learning because all I need to do is keep my mind fresh and ready to absorb knowledge of all kinds. It is an interesting thing to do for an adventurer like me. Moreover, even I am aware that there can be both positive and negative experiences waiting for me, the idea that "at least I got to learn something" would help me stay optimistic and enjoy the "gain" that staying home could not give me.

Besides my abstract philosophical thinking about traveling, I also have a few plans for my destination, Australia. I always love animals and nature in general. Australia is such a country of beautiful and amazing nature which have been attractive to me a lot. I eager to see them myself, enjoy whatever in front of my eyes and learn from there, especially the uniqueness of Australian natural landscapes, forests, and animal kingdoms.

Lastly (for now), I am excited that I would get understand the Australian educational system for my future reference after Allegheny College.

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