Monday 22 December 2014

Test Entry

Ever since I was little, I've always been fascinated by other cultures. I've always wanted to experience how other people live. When I was younger, I didn't really understand how people could live differently then I do, I didn't fully understand the concept of culture. Once I was old enough to understand the idea behind culture, I knew I wanted to study abroad. The only problem was deciding where. I learnt some French in pre-school and loved the way it sounded, when I started Spanish in 2nd grade, I discovered I liked French more so I started to teach myself French and fell in love with the language over the years and by the time I was 10 years old, I knew that I wanted to study abroad in France, particularly Paris. It became one of the biggest goals in my life to be able to finally go to Paris, not just for a vacation (although I never got to do that) but to live there, to see what the French way of life was really about. I came to Allegheny planning to go a broad my junior year and when I was accepted I was ecstatic. I would finally be able to go to France, be immersed in the culture. Sure, I had spent years in a classroom learning the language and about the culture but that’s not the best way to learn about other cultures in my opinion. I can't wait to go to Paris next semester, be immersed in the culture, meet new people, try new things. I really hope that I will grow as a person from this experience and if what I see happened to all of my friends who have studied abroad happens to me, then I am in for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Not only will I get to have amazing new experiences, but I will also be honing my language skills and will hopefully become fluent in French, a long-time goal of mine, along with seeing the one world landmark I have always wanted to see, the Eiffel Tower.

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