Monday 15 December 2014

Test Entry

Hola! I am studying in Seville, Spain at the Cross Cultural Center next semester and I could not be more excited. I have never traveled outside of America so I am ultimately hoping to come back from my study abroad experience with a new perspective of the world as well as a more confident Spanish speaker. Spain has been my dream since I started taking Spanish in first grade and I finally will be able to explore the land where the Spanish language began. My goals while in Spain include immersing myself in the culture while improving and expanding upon my Spanish skills. Along with this, I cannot wait to travel to all the places that I have learned about for so long. I want to go to Madrid, the capital, to see the Royal Palace as well as the Parque del Retiro. I can't wait to travel to Barcelona to see La Sagrada Familia, but most importantly I cannot wait to explore Sevilla, my home for the next semester. 

When I come back from Spain I want to look back on all my adventures and new experiences and use them in my Allegheny education as well as my future career as a physician.

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