Sunday 21 December 2014

Test Entry

For my study abroad experience, I will be going to Monteverde, Costa Rica. It's going to be awesome. I've traveled to different countries before, but only for short periods of time. This study abroad trip is so much different. I get to live in a different country for three months! The experiences I'll have, and the knowledge I'll gain are unfathomable. It will be very eye-opening to detach myself from the American lifestyle and completely immerse myself in a vastly different culture. I've never been in Central America before, so I have literally no idea what to expect.

I am really enthusiastic about living in a country that is world-renowned for their environmental conservation efforts. I am most looking forward to our field trips to the Cloud Forest right outside of Monteverde. I hear its muy bueno! I'm also very intrigued to see how I do with the Spanish language barrier. One of my main goals for this trip is to become proficient in the Spanish language (could be overly-optimistic). I also really hope that I get to play some "futbol" with some Costa Ricans. Lastly, I aim to learn key skills from this trip that I can use in a future professional career.

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