Thursday 12 March 2015

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Life in Costa Rica is simple, especially in Monteverde. Tucked away in these hills are numerous fincas, or small farms. Owned by down-to-earth people, these farms tell the story of the land. This farm used to be a cheese farm, selling to the local community. Now, people opt to buy cheaper cheese, so this farmer is forced to sell his milk to the cheese factory instead. There is so much tradition and love at these farms, and always fresh food if you're hungry. I have never met more generous people than on the small farms.

In Monteverde, the tourists walk through the town sampling coffee and buying postcards in the touristy stores. This front that they interact with is not the real Monteverde. There's a whole other culture here hidden behind the adventures, chocolate, coffee, and toucan-filled facade.

These farms and country lanes are the places you'll see real people. Children riding tricycles down the dirt road, a cow gazing back at you from behind the wire fence, bananas ripening from the porch ceiling. I love the simple farm life- it's where I know I'll end up as an adult. It's incredibly beautiful to see it persisting here in Costa Rica despite the industrial agriculture and tourist-trap economy. The countryside is simple, yet beautiful and full of life, and I will be content to live here and muse over it for the rest of my life.

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