Monday 30 March 2015

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Myself with some friends who are locals attending a soirée (dance)

     During my stay in Angers, France, I am proud to say that I have successfully become more of an ‘insider’. This alone, instead of just being a tourist, gives me a different perspective of the country. This allows me to learn different aspects of the culture as I implement them into my life, and as I feel more and more at home in France. In addition, I have made friendships here that connect me to most of the other continents.
     I chose to share the picture above for a few reasons. This month my friends encouraged me to attend my university’s gala, which is a formal dance in France. At this gala, we first ate a very traditional French dinner. At the end of the night we ended up in another room where we could dance. This picture means a lot to me because it illustrates how I spent my night having a good time with the friends I have made here. By going to this gala, I felt like I belonged to the French society just like my French friends do. Most importantly, I was lucky enough to share their time at their last gala – since they graduate after this year’s studies – and I was able to see a chapter of their lives come to an end. For these reasons, the story behind this picture is a memory I will never forget.
     Nights like these have taught me how locals interact in social situations such as a gala. I also was able to see how the event was a very special, important night for most students. And I am proud to say that I can look from the inside out.

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