Sunday 8 March 2015

How Others See Us

As I am sure others have pointed out, being an American abroad comes with automatic stereotypes. I have asked my flatmates about how they see Americans. Each time I was met with almost the same answer.

Flatmate 1: The general stereotype is that all Americans are loud, fat, lazy, and stupid. That all you do is sit around and eat fattening food and never do anything.

Flatmate 2: Yeah, that and Redneck. Shooting guns and drinking beer.

Flatmate 3: But obviously you aren't like that.


I was not surprised with their answers. One sees a lot of these ideas on the internet. The image of Americans as " 'Muricans" is a common thought. I then asked them why they had these stereotypes.

Flatmate 2: Movies mostly. We see a lot of movies with American parties. Loud music, "keggers".

Flatmate 1: The internet as well. Pictures of fat, lazy, Americans can be quite funny.

My next step was to ask them whether or not I fit their idea of an American.

Flatmate 3: Not at all. You're so quiet.

Flatmate 2: Yeah, we hardly hear you at all.

This was all they had to say. Part of this is because I'm not super close with my flatmates. So they don't know me as well as others do. But this got me thinking, do I fit the stereotype? I do love junk food, but I don't eat it as much anymore. If you were to look at my shelf in the fridge, it actually looks healthy.

Grocery Shopping at Sainsbury's
Lazy? I'll allow that one. I am a bit lazy.

Stupid? No, not at all. I am rather a know-it-all. 

I hope that I am defying these stereotypes in my behavior and actions. I'm glad I was somewhat aware of these stereotypes before I came to England. I hope that the only way people can tell that I am American is my accent.

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