Tuesday 31 March 2015

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

A boom truck waiting to be used in the Beaufort Fishing Community.    

While this is not a glamorous picture, boom trucks like the one seen above have great  meaning and practical use in North Carolina’s eastern fishig communities.  Most tourists would not understand the significant ritual behind the annual parade in which similarly old and rusted-out boom truck’s drive down the streets of Beaufort with a battery powered winch installed in the back; and with the boats being coming to the dock to be blessed in anticipation of the new fishing season.  In Beaufort, the fishing industry is the economy’s mainstay, and the fishermen’s boom trucks are vital to supporting its effective operation.  The annual parade and boat blessing is meant to recognize and give thanks to those people who collect and risk their lives in the pursuit of providing seafood for others.  

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