Tuesday 31 March 2015

A picture is worth 1000 words

The picture I have chosen is an accurate portrayal of my time here, not because the subjects are drinking, but because that's when the best discourse happens. There's a lot to be said over a drink. Every meaningful conversation had taken place in a bar or pub or other drinking establishment. A single beverage can last for hours while the conversation continues. I've seen professors, grad students, and undergrads gather around a table and discuss rich academic topics while sipping beer. As for me, I've seen taken to a conversation or three just from a beverage. While there is much to be said for a conversation in a relaxed lounge setting, early evening pub chats are some of my favorite. There's an atmosphere of calm and genuine peace. A drink is sums up the majority of my time in Lancaster, and there's little wrong with it. It isn't so much this photo is worth 1000 words, but that before and immediately following the photo, 1000 meaningful words were spoken.

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