Monday 30 March 2015

Resetting our goals? : Due on Apr. 15, 2015

Resetting our goals? :  Due on Apr. 15, 2015
(Please read “Development as a Buzz Word”)

At the start of his piece, Gilbert Rist observes, “Despite its widespread usage, the meaning of the term ‘development’ remains vague, tending to refer to a set of beliefs and assumptions about the nature of social progress rather than to anything more precise (485).”

As you have spent considerable time immersing yourself in the culture of your host destination and benefitting from experiential learning, how would you answer the question posed by the piece that suggests ‘development’ means different things in various contexts? Please select a specific experience you have had, or something you may have witnessed to make your case.

Please keep the subject header of the post: "Resetting our goals?" Thank you.

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