Thursday 12 March 2015

How Other See Us

Interview 1 (Yamal, Spanish teacher) -

Q1: How do you view Americans?

A1: It depends. I work with a lot of people from a lot of different countries from Mexico, Argentina, Germany, United States and they are all nice most the time. Sometimes I see Americans come here that are obviously tourists. They are very demanding and arrogant. For the most part I like Americans though. In my experience the young one are crazy, and like to party and the adults are calm and relaxed and kind.

Q2: What do you base your beliefs on?

A2: I base my beliefs on friendship and partnership.

Q3: Do you see me as fitting in the image of what other Americans are like?

A3: No. You seem to be more interested in the environment and are more in-touch with the impacts your culture has on the developing parts of the world.

Interview 2 (Raquel, TA) -

Q1: How do you view Americans?

A1: I think that there are a lot of stereotypes about Americans and that for the most part they seem to be true from what students here have told me. I see people here in Costa Rica that love America and aspire live an American lifestyle, but that is not me. A lot of people here are very fond of the "mall" consumerism life. I also see people here absolutely hate Americans, but that is not me either.

Q2: What do you base your beliefs on?

A2: My life purpose is to help nature fight back against the government. I feel very lucky to live in such a beautiful place and I want to help protect it.

Q3:  Do you see me as fitting in the image of what other Americans are like?

A3: No. I don't think any of the students here at CIEE fit into the typical American stereotypes that are associated with Americans. 

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