Monday 30 March 2015

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Landscape on the bus to Chefchaouen

Morocco is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes. Even though the country is nearly the size of California I have experienced snow, beaches, flat lands, mountains and desert. The first picture shows a casual Moroccan landscape on my bus ride to a small town called Chefchaouen. It was probably the most beautiful drive I've ever been on.

Chefchaouen has been becoming a more popular tourist destination because it is known as the "blue city" and for its hiking trails. My favorite part about this visit was the unique relaxing aura of the city. My friend and I still received catcalling from Moroccan men as normal, but none of that mattered much there because we were able to escape into solitude to experience the real beauty of Morocco and the world. The biggest adjustment for me was experiencing the objectification of women first hand, but the other aspects of Morocco out weigh the negative aspects I feel.

The next picture is of a dog from Chefchaouen that I named Kelby (because it means my dog in Arabic and sounds like Colby in English). There are many stray dogs and cats in the country. Many of these dogs usually stay far from people because they are treated poorly by people, so they usually are wild and travel in packs. However, this dog stayed in the city and wanted the attention of my friend and I; he was the sweetest dog and he warmed our hearts. I have noticed that Morocco can be a surprising and amazing place even with the little things.

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