Sunday 10 May 2015

Lessons from Study Away

I've had many adventures here in Costa Rica, with a treasure trove of memories and pictures to look back on. My friends and I reminisced a little while discussing stories about me, which was a nice moment of togetherness during the stress of finals. The first story they told was about how the whole trip, which spent quite a bit of time on the coast, I wanted to see dolphins. I'd never seen dolphins in the wild, and I wasn't going to be satisfied until I had. Finally, on the last leg of the last field trip, while snorkeling in Bocas del Toro, Panama, we saw dolphins feeding in the more distant, deeper water from the boat. I was so excited, and everyone seemed to be really happy for the rest of the day. The second story was about how this past week of finals we've all been studying really hard with little free time. One night, I suddenly ran in with a giant red moth that I caught outside. It was the perfect distraction and study break, and my enthusiasm brought smiles to everyones faces. Lastly, the third story was about how one morning I had been walking on the beach before breakfast, and I saw baby turtles hatching and making their way to the sea. I went back to where my friends were watching the sun rise over the ocean, and I ecstatically told them about the turtles, then immediately sprinted back down the beach to where they were, my gaggle of friends behind me. We spent that morning watching the turtles find their way one by one, and it was the most beautiful day.

These stories tell me that I have an immense appreciation for nature. I'm enamored with biodiversity, and I want to share the earth's wonders with the world. If everyone appreciated nature as much as I do, then conservation would be more widespread. These stories also indicate that I have an infectious enthusiasm that works great in facilitating group dynamics. I love people, and I love when a group is united and has close relationships. Furthermore, my ever-positive outlook is appreciated by my peers, and makes me who I am. What do these characteristics say about my ability to interact abroad? It seems that I come off to strangers as a friendly, nonjudgmental person, which could make me a conscientious traveler. I hope to utilize what I've learned throughout this semester to continue to be a good person to those everywhere and keep doing what I love.

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