Thursday 21 May 2015

Lessons from Study Away

I interviewed two of my Israeli friends about myself.  My first friend described me as a friendly, nice person and a lovely girl.  She said that she loves that I pay extra attention to what she has to say, and that I make an effort to remember what we talked about.  The story that came to her mind about me was the time I joined the Eco-Living committee.  She said that I was not on the list of members, but that I just smoothly and happily joined the group and became a significant member.  My second friend described me as the most loving girl at the institute.  She said that I always have a smile on my face and bring a positive attitude.  When asked what memory came to her mind about me, she said the time I did not bake for one of the professors birthday’s.  I am in charge of Birthday Committee and I make a treat for all the students on their birthday.  She said that she remembers how bad I felt that I did not know it was his birthday and did not have a treat for him.  

I was really nice to hear my friends describe me as friendly, loving, and positive.  These are the traits that I love most about my personality, and ones that I strive to display everyday.  It is nice to know that I will be remembered in their minds as how I want to be remembered.  It was interesting to see that both of their stories were casual, small moments over the course of my time here.  It is important to remember that you can leave an impression on someone at anytime and that it is the small moments in life that matter.  It was also great to hear from my first friend that I have not fallen prey to the stumbling blocks and have effectively done intercultural communication with her in a way that made her feel heard and valued.  As awkward as it was to initially interview my friends about me, I heard some very nice things that in the end made me happy.  

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Some friends and I standing in the Jordan River.  I'm sure they will all remember a different story about our time together. 

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