Sunday 10 May 2015

Lessons from Study Away

So I've had the time of my life in Sevilla and I am no where near ready to go back to America. I've met so many great people here that I'm not sure how I'm supposed to go back to America and live a normal life. My friends and I have gotten to talking and of course they have several stories about I'm hilarious. Recently my friends have made a twitter dedicating it to all the things I say. One of the stories we talked about was my run in with a cockroach. I went to the same restaurant that I always do with 2 of my friends in the program. As we were about to leave, a cockroach crawled up my arm and onto my shirt. Obviously...I was in who wouldn't be. I screamed and jumped around trying to get this giant cockroach off of me. Spoiler alert...I lived. Another story was the time that I tried making Rice Krispies treats for a group of 15 Spanish Me being me I thought I could handle it ,but boy was I wrong. First off, they use the metric system here and I know nothing about the metric I just guessed the amount of each ingredient to put in. I also didn't know how to use a gas who even still has those. Also the girls were super energetic and opening all the ingredients. The first batch was an absolute failure so with the second batch we used the microwave...also didn't know how to use the weird Spanish microwave. The second batch came out great!

From these stories I realized that humor is such a huge aspect in my life. I'm constantly being funny and entertaining others with my sense of humor. I'm glad my peers enjoy it.

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