Monday 25 May 2015

Lessons from study away

While studying away at the Duke University Marine Laboratory, I made so many memories that I will cherish forever. But asking others what they remember about me, whether it's their first impression of me or an embarrassing moment I had in class, provides a different perspective on my experiences that is just as valuable. This should be interesting...

One of my friends, Kelsey, brought up so many stories that she remembers about me. Playing games, building puzzles, looking for seashells, kayaking, and many more. But she said in particular, she'll never forget when I wanted to go to class with her to learn how to deploy the hydrophones in the water that they were using for research on bottlenose dolphins and how they communicate. I went to their professor's office and asked if I could go out with them on the boat the next day to see how the hydrophones work, even though I didn't have class the next day. She proceeded to describe me as "adventurous, active, excited, always wanting to learn new things, willing to try anything."

Another one of my friends, Katie, also mentioned numerous stories that she'll never forget. One of which was traumatizing for me...she said she'll never forget me screaming at the top of my lungs when a tarantula, unexpectedly, crawled up my leg when we were sitting by the campfire late one night while in St. John for our tropical marine ecology class. But on a more sincere note, she continued by saying "I think what is special about you is that you never give up– whether in St. John or playing games, you are super determined."

 After the Duke men's basketball team won the national championship
I've had never before asked a friend to tell me a story about myself. So this being the very first time, it was really nice to hear the things that left a lasting impression on them. Just asking friends simple questions like this really allows you to learn a lot about yourself that you never would have known otherwise.

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