Monday 11 May 2015

Resetting our goals

Development can affect individuals, communities, and the environment. Due to the wide ranging effects development can have, there are many different ways to conceptualize and approach development. Here in Costa Rica, where tourism is an important component of the economy I have seen that there is a difference between eco/nature tourism where you learn and value the nature around you, and adventure tourism like bungee jumping, sky diving, and beach resorts. I see now that this country is slowly shifting away from a strictly nature-focused ecotourism hub to this mentality of tourism that doesn't value the beauty of the environment and biodiversity, but instead is just looking for a thrill. This leads to development, but not towards sustainability. Rather, it is one of the driving forces of habitat fragmentation, light pollution, and water pollution which slowly erodes away at the surrounding wilderness that made this country famous to begin with. For policy-makers this is economic development. Authorizing land clearance for resorts and adventure tourism brings in more customers and therefore increases the cash flow in the economy. At the same time, this economic development (usually from foreign interests) is deconstructing many of the indigenous populations cultures and institutions that have had been around for centuries. So for the locals it is just the opposite of development.

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