Wednesday 27 May 2015

Lessons from Study Away

My friends in Morocco in front of the market (Taylor is far left and Raul is far right)
Many of my experiences throughout my time in Morocco helped me become more courageous and laid-back.

I was talking with my friend Taylor before we left Morocco and she was saying that it is was amazing to see the changes in our friend group. When we first arrived it was difficult to barter at the markets and stores. It always felt exhausting to haggle for the majority of items we wanted to buy, but by the end of the semester we were all pros. Taylor told me that I did not seem as timid to argue for the right price anymore. I learned from Taylor to always stand up for myself. This was an important lesson for me to utilize during my time abroad. I feel like from all my experiences that I have become more calm about many challenges I face.

At the end of the semester I reflected with my close friend about how each of us had felt more thankful for all the opportunities we had as American citizens. I met Raul on one of my first days at Al Akhawayn and I experienced almost all of Morocco with him. We were always thankful for everything in our lives especially in a country where the majority of the population is poor. Raul told me that he saw me grow more spiritually during my time in Morocco, and I have. I think seeing the division between society has showed me how blessed I am in life. Raul has been a big influence on this part of my life.

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